Do Concur / HB 2: General Appropriations Act | YES | Y 94-6 | Y 62-6 | Y 32-0 |
Do Concur / HB 5: Long-range building appropriations | YES | Y 68-28 | Y 38-28 | Y 30-0 |
Do Pass / HB 13: State Employee Pay Plan and revising laws governing state employees | YES | Y 89-7 | Y 59-7 | Y 30-0 |
Do Adopt / HB 16: Revise laws relating to child abuse and neglect proceedings | YES | Y 92-4 | Y 66-0 | Y 26-4 |
Do Pass / HB 29: Revise laws related to involuntary commitment of people with dementia or TBI | YES | Y 91-6 | Y 64-2 | Y 27-4 |
Do Pass / HB 33: Allow county commissioners to initiate certain civil proceedings | YES | Y 90-9 | Y 58-9 | Y 32-0 |
Do Pass / HB 37: Generally revise child abuse and neglect laws | YES | Y 96-2 | Y 65-2 | Y 31-0 |
Do Concur / HB 55: An act establishing a tax on electric vehicle charging stations | YES | Y 94-5 | Y 65-2 | Y 29-3 |
Do Pass / HB 60: An act providing for an annual fee on electric vehicles registered in the state | NO | Y 92-8 | Y 65-3 | Y 27-5 |
Do Pass / HB 172: Revise laws related to post-election audits | NO | Y 81-19 | Y 65-3 | N 16-16 |
Do Pass / HB 192: Use surplus revenue for income tax and property tax refunds and payment of bonds | NO | Y 70-29 | Y 68-0 | N 2-29 |
Do Concur / HB 196: Revise election laws related to the counting of votes | NO | Y 71-28 | Y 68-0 | N 3-28 |
Do Pass / HB 212: Increase business equipment tax exemption | NO | Y 67-32 | Y 67-1 | N 0-31 |
Do Pass / HB 222: Provide rebates of property taxes paid on a principal residence | NO | Y 69-30 | Y 68-0 | N 1-30 |
Do Concur / HB 234: Revise dissemination of obscene material to minors laws | NO | Y 66-33 | Y 66-2 | N 0-31 |
Do Pass / HB 267: Create SAFER account for federal highway grants | YES | Y 99-0 | Y 68-0 | Y 31-0 |
Do Pass / HB 268: Establish a child tax credit through the individual income tax | YES | Y 77-21 | Y 51-15 | Y 26-6 |
Do Pass As Amended / HB 280: Providing for circuit breaker income tax credit for property taxes paid | YES | N 38-62 | N 6-62 | Y 32-0 |
Do Concur / HB 284: Revise laws related to approval of electricity supply resources | NO | Y 90-8 | Y 64-3 | Y 26-5 |
Do Pass / HB 303: Implement Medical Ethics and Diversity Act | NO | Y 63-33 | Y 63-4 | N 0-29 |
Do Adopt / HB 317: Provide for the Montana Indian Child Welfare Act | YES | Y 64-32 | Y 35-31 | Y 29-1 |
Do Pass / HB 326: Revise laws relating to the appointment of the judicial standards commission | NO | Y 66-32 | Y 66-1 | N 0-31 |
Do Concur / HB 332: Generally revise laws related to school employee health benefits | YES | Y 71-25 | Y 41-25 | Y 30-0 |
Do Adopt / HB 338: Revise laws related to Indian Education for All | YES | Y 69-25 | Y 39-25 | Y 30-0 |
Do Pass / HB 352: Provide targeted interventions to support 3rd grade reading proficiency | YES | Y 77-20 | Y 46-20 | Y 31-0 |
Do Adopt / HB 359: Prohibit minors from attending drag shows | NO | Y 65-35 | Y 65-3 | N 0-32 |
Do Pass / HB 372: Establish right to hunt in Constitution | NO | Y 64-34 | Y 64-4 | N 0-30 |
Do Pass / HB 419: Allow bonding for injunctions that prevent hunting or harvesting of game | NO | Y 65-33 | Y 65-1 | N 0-32 |
Do Concur / HB 423: Revise laws related to compensation for wrongfully convicted individuals | NO | Y 87-8 | Y 65-1 | Y 22-7 |
Do Concur / HB 479: Provide appropriation for DOJ to assume law enforcement PL-280 | NO | Y 64-28 | Y 62-2 | N 2-26 |
Do Pass / HB 517: Constitutional amendment regarding board of regents | NO | Y 61-37 | Y 61-7 | N 0-30 |
Do Pass / HB 518: Authorize standing for legislature to bring lawsuit | NO | Y 68-31 | Y 68-0 | N 0-31 |
Do Concur / HB 535: Revising education laws to provide a definition of "financial literacy" | YES | Y 87-11 | Y 67-0 | Y 20-11 |
Do Pass / HB 544: Provide requirements for coverage of abortion under Medicaid and CHIP | NO | Y 66-32 | Y 66-2 | N 0-30 |
Do Pass / HB 546: Authorize additional funding for coal trust loan program for housing | YES | Y 65-33 | Y 35-33 | Y 30-0 |
Do Pass / HB 549: Authorizing establishment of public charter schools | YES | Y 58-33 | Y 44-18 | N 14-15 |
Do Concur / HB 551: Implement constitutional carry into the Montana Constitution | NO | Y 62-34 | Y 62-4 | N 0-30 |
Do Pass / HB 562: Authorize establishment of community choice schools | NO | Y 59-33 | Y 58-5 | N 1-28 |
Do Concur / HB 569: Generally revise pension laws | NO | Y 69-27 | Y 63-3 | N 6-24 |
Do Concur / HB 575: Prohibit abortion of unborn viable children | NO | Y 66-32 | Y 66-1 | N 0-31 |
Do Pass / HB 588: Revise TEACH Act incentives to increase starting teacher salary | YES | Y 89-0 | Y 61-0 | Y 28-0 |
Do Concur / HB 625: Infant safety and care act | NO | Y 67-30 | Y 67-0 | N 0-30 |
Do Pass / HB 648: Provide for the best beginnings scholarship program | YES | Y 65-34 | N 34-34 | Y 31-0 |
Do Pass / HB 649: Implement rates from provider rate study | YES | Y 78-21 | Y 47-21 | Y 31-0 |
Do Pass / HB 693: Clarify disclosure of public information that may be involved in litigation | YES | Y 94-4 | Y 66-1 | Y 28-3 |
Do Pass / HB 695: Revise TRO standard for suits against the state and subdivisions of government | NO | Y 73-25 | Y 67-0 | N 6-25 |
Do Concur / HB 707: Allow certain elementary districts to create new high school district | YES | Y 99-0 | Y 68-0 | Y 31-0 |
Do Pass / HB 721: Restrict unborn child from dismemberment abortion | NO | Y 67-31 | Y 67-0 | N 0-31 |
Do Pass / HB 748: Allow zoning for separation of incompatible uses of property | YES | Y 98-0 | Y 67-0 | Y 31-0 |
Do Pass / HB 774: Generally revise election laws | NO | Y 63-35 | Y 62-6 | N 1-29 |
Do Concur / HB 797: Require agency reporting on financial assistance to tribes | YES | Y 98-0 | Y 67-0 | Y 31-0 |
Do Concur / HB 808: Revise surety insurance laws related to bail bonds | NO | Y 69-29 | Y 66-2 | N 3-27 |
Do Concur / HB 816: Revise distribution of surplus revenue | NO | Y 69-27 | Y 64-2 | N 5-25 |
Do Concur / HB 817: Provide for capital projects | NO | Y 91-5 | Y 64-2 | Y 27-3 |
Do Concur / HB 819: Create Montana community reinvestment act to fund workforce housing | YES | Y 61-37 | Y 41-27 | Y 20-10 |
Do Pass / HB 825: Provide funding to address affordable housing | NO | N 30-69 | N 23-45 | N 7-24 |
Do Concur / HB 828: Authorize an ambulance provider assessment program | YES | Y 86-11 | Y 59-8 | Y 27-3 |
Do Concur / HB 856: Generally revise capitol complex administration laws | YES | Y 95-1 | Y 65-1 | Y 30-0 |
Do Concur / HB 872: Provide funding for behavioral health system for future generations | NO | Y 56-40 | Y 54-12 | N 2-28 |
Do Concur / HB 889: Revise the Residential Mobile Home Lot Rental Act | YES | Y 68-31 | Y 37-31 | Y 31-0 |
Do Pass / HB 915: Constitutional amendment to change process to select supreme court justices | NO | Y 59-39 | Y 59-9 | N 0-30 |
Do Pass / HB 927: Authorize additional authority for coal trust housing loans | YES | Y 67-32 | Y 36-32 | Y 31-0 |
Do Pass / HB 968: Revise abortion laws concerning parental consultation | NO | Y 67-31 | Y 67-0 | N 0-31 |
Do Pass / HB 971: Revise environmental policy act | NO | Y 70-28 | Y 66-1 | N 4-27 |
Do Concur / SB 4: Require sharing of reports of abuse and neglect at Montana State Hospital | YES | Y 99-0 | Y 68-0 | Y 31-0 |
Do Concur / SB 70: Revise the Quality Educator Loan Assistance Program | YES | Y 59-37 | N 31-37 | Y 28-0 |
Do Concur / SB 99: Provide for a youth health protection act | NO | Y 65-33 | Y 65-2 | N 0-31 |
Do Concur / SB 109: Revise laws related to redistricting the PSC | NO | Y 65-32 | Y 65-1 | N 0-31 |
Do Concur / SB 121: Reduce top marginal income tax rate and increase EITC | NO | Y 68-30 | Y 68-0 | N 0-30 |
Do Concur / SB 154: Define the right to privacy to clarify no right to abortion | NO | Y 67-33 | Y 67-1 | N 0-32 |
Do Concur / SB 191: Revise preliminary injunction laws | NO | Y 67-30 | Y 67-0 | N 0-30 |
Do Concur / SB 201: Revise judicial recusal laws when parties made campaign contributions | NO | Y 68-32 | Y 67-1 | N 1-31 |
Do Adopt / SB 245: Revise municipal zoning to allow multifamily and mixed use development | YES | Y 87-8 | Y 58-7 | Y 29-1 |
Do Concur / SB 275: Revise definition of proposed mixing zone & well isolation zone | NO | Y 60-40 | Y 60-8 | N 0-32 |
Do Concur / SB 295: Revising laws to accommodate grizzly bear delisting | YES | Y 73-27 | Y 67-1 | N 6-26 |
Do Concur / SB 296: Revise nursing home and/or assisted living funding | YES | Y 91-8 | Y 60-8 | Y 31-0 |
Do Concur / SB 301: Revise property laws related to lakeshore regulations | NO | Y 65-35 | Y 65-3 | N 0-32 |
Do Concur / SB 323: Allow for duplex, triplex, and fourplex housing in city zoning | YES | Y 72-26 | Y 45-22 | Y 27-4 |
Do Concur / SB 359: Prohibit tracking of firearms sales by financial institutions | NO | Y 69-28 | Y 66-0 | N 3-28 |
Do Concur / SB 382: Create the Montana Land Use Planning Act | YES | Y 95-5 | Y 66-2 | Y 29-3 |
Do Concur / SB 419: Ban tik-tok in Montana | NO | Y 54-43 | Y 53-14 | N 1-29 |
Do Concur / SB 442: Allow marijuana tax revenue to be used for county road maintenance | YES | Y 82-17 | Y 51-17 | Y 31-0 |
Do Concur / SB 458: Define sex in Montana law | NO | Y 63-37 | Y 62-6 | N 1-31 |
Do Concur / SB 481: Require cast vote records | NO | Y 60-39 | Y 60-8 | N 0-31 |
Do Concur / SB 485: Raising hourly rate of legislator compensation | YES | Y 56-43 | Y 39-29 | Y 17-14 |
Do Concur / SB 490: Generally revising the legislature's investigative powers | NO | Y 66-31 | Y 66-0 | N 0-31 |
Do Concur / SB 498: Revise laws related to absentee ballots | NO | Y 91-9 | Y 68-0 | Y 23-9 |
Do Concur / SB 499: Revise adverse possession laws relating to certain land and improvements | NO | Y 62-37 | Y 62-6 | N 0-31 |
Do Concur / SB 534: Constitutional amendment on redistricting | NO | N 65-34 | N 65-3 | N 0-31 |
Do Concur / SB 557: Revise MEPA relating to litigation | NO | Y 64-35 | Y 64-4 | N 0-31 |
Do Concur / SB 565: Generally revise primary election and nomination laws | NO | N 39-60 | Y 39-28 | N 0-32 |