Election Guide '22
The candidates and issues on Montana's 2022 ballot

Cora Neumann
Neumann, 47, was raised in Bozeman. After spending much of her professional career living across the U.S. and abroad, Neumann returned to live in Bozeman full-time in 2019, where she and her husband are raising their two kids.
Neumann, who has a PhD in public health from Oxford University, spent the last two decades working in international health, economic development and public lands advocacy. She founded the Global First Ladies Alliance and has been an adviser for the U.S. State Department and the George W. Bush Presidential Center, among other professional positions.
Neumann launched a campaign for one of Montana’s U.S. Senate seats in 2019 but dropped out when former Gov. Steve Bullock entered the race.
This biography was compiled with information from a candidate interview and Neumann’s LinkedIn page.
MTFP coverage
Campaign finance
On the issues
I’ve always said that Montanans are practical, not political. I didn’t know what the political makeup of Bozeman was as a kid — but I did know who was a good neighbor and who showed up to help when the going got tough. That’s the Montana way.
I’m running for Congress because we deserve a representative in Washington who knows what workers and families here go through, who will fight to make sure we have good jobs and wages, who will ensure our small businesses can succeed, and who will make sure that families who have been here for years or generations can afford to stay.
I’m not taking any corporate PAC money, and it’s my commitment to work for you and make sure your values and priorities have a voice at the table. I'm running to be a Montana representative and to fight for every single person in our district, no matter their party affiliation.
When I was a baby, my father was killed from injuries he sustained in a lumber mill accident because there was no access to high-quality care nearby. Because of this, I've spent my career fighting to improve access to health care and opportunities in rural communities.
We have a great rural health system in Montana. I strongly support Medicaid expansion, and we are so lucky to have it in this state. We haven’t lost a single rural hospital, and it improved coverage for Montanans statewide.
But even with our great rural health system, some folks still have to drive hours to access care. One thing we can do at the federal level is change reimbursement rates. We shouldn’t be asking doctors to lose money treating patients on Medicaid. I also support rolling back the red tape with telemedicine. It has improved access to all kinds of care, especially in rural areas. Finally, we should be able to negotiate prescription drug costs at the federal level.
I’m running for Congress to make sure Montanans have access to good jobs and wages, our small businesses can succeed, and families who have lived here for years or generations can afford to stay.
Folks are being priced out of their hometowns, whether they’re renting or owning. Housing is a foundational cost we face each month, and when that becomes unaffordable, every additional bill, prescription drug, or gallon of gas hurts.
It's important to make sure we are preserving and even increasing funding for FHA loan programs, CDBG and HOME. From private-public partnerships to tax and investment incentives to USDA rural housing initiatives, I’ll work to make sure Montanans have access to housing we can actually afford. There’s also an inventory problem and supply chain problems. We can do more to take on China and bring manufacturing and our supply chains back to the U.S., which will lower the cost of supplies to build our infrastructure and homes, and create good-paying jobs here.
In Montana, our two largest industries are agriculture and outdoor recreation. Both are being impacted by drought and wildfires.
From Congress, I’ll work to ensure our farmers and ranchers — crucial partners and stewards of our land and natural resources — have the support they need. I will also work to secure funding to our research centers and universities that are hubs of innovation in agriculture: from soil health to research on crop yields, livestock health, and more.
Montana has historically been and can continue to be an energy leader in this country. I support increased domestic energy production, and I want to make sure Montanans are getting the good jobs and wages that come from these national policies, especially in renewable energy. We have wind, hydro, and solar here, and I support investment in these projects.
Finally, I will work to ensure that we continue to protect our public lands and our tradition of successful land and wildlife management.
From Congress, I will always focus on what’s best for Montana and keep an eye toward reining in government spending.
In order to help reduce our debt and curb inflation, I support ending the 2017 Republican tax giveaway that is going to the top 1%. This was a massive giveaway to big corporations, billionaires, and the top 1% — who will get nearly 83% of the benefits of that legislation when fully implemented. Meanwhile, working and middle-class families in Montana are paying more than their fair share in taxes, and can barely afford to pay the bills — especially now due to inflation, which is driving costs up.
Montana has a proud history and legacy of collaborative land management, from block management, to forest collaboratives, to agreements between local, state, tribal, and national governments and private landowners — working together on land, forest, water, and wildlife management.
We know how to manage our land collaboratively, and the transfer of federal lands into state ownership would only cost our state important revenue. The outdoor recreation and timber industries are also important drivers of our economy. These would both be damaged by transfer.
I will always prioritize working with tribal and government leaders to keep our lands, waterways, and wildlife healthy and accessible so that our children, and future generations, can enjoy the natural resources that make Montana so special.
My family members and I are all proud products of public schools, and I am a staunch advocate for our public schools.
They are the hearts of communities across Montana, especially in rural and remote counties. If we lose our local public schools, entire communities and economies suffer. In my work in public health, many rural health programs are delivered through public schools. If we lose them, the health of our children and families will also suffer.
Our teachers have been through so much over the last two years and deserve our gratitude and support now more than ever.
I support legislation that will keep public dollars funding public schools, supports our teachers, and ensures that our kids are receiving the best education possible here in Montana.
I will always support a woman's right to make decisions over her own body, health, and safety. These rights, and Montanans’ right to privacy, are enshrined in our state Constitution. This draft opinion is an attack on our rights to freedom and privacy, and we cannot let this go without a fight. I’ve spent my career fighting to improve access to health care in rural communities, and that fight continues today.
We know what's best for ourselves and our families. Government mandates should not interfere with personal medical decisions. I'll do everything in my power to defend our right to safe and legal abortion and our right to access quality reproductive care, including voting to codify this from Congress.
It’s our constitutional right to bear arms, and I’ll protect that from Congress.
We’re a family of gun owners. The elk my dad hunted sustained our family, and my mom as a young widow had to use a gun to protect my brother and I from intruders.
This is part of our way of life in Montana, and I believe in everyone’s right to provide for and protect themselves and their loved ones.
I’m a strong supporter of the Second Amendment, while at the same time believing that criminals and terrorists shouldn’t be able to buy a gun on the black market or on the internet.