Election Guide '22
The candidates and issues on Montana's 2022 ballot

Skylar Williams
Williams, 24, describes himself as a working-class Montanan who has had first-hand experience with hunger and homelessness as a child. He was born in Havre and grew up on the Rocky Boy’s Reservation and in Billings, he says.
He is campaigning for subsidized higher education, climate action, and lower health care costs.
This biography is based on information from Williams’ campaign website and written material he provided to MTFP.
MTFP coverage
Campaign finance
On the issues
I can inspire people to vote. To pay more attention to their processes and show the fruits of their vote. Follow the ballots online and see when they were counted and as what. Voting is one of our only safeguards against corruption and when you don't vote, corruption spreads.
I am a supporter of Medicare for All. I believe the federal government has an obligation to take care of the health of all Americans. I am so sick of seeing my fellow Americans go into medical bankruptcy for the crime of getting sick. GoFundMes trying to raise money for insulin so they don't die. How hospitals can charge $88 for a 500mg tablet of Ibuprofen. Medicare for All will fix all of these issues and I would support legislation to make this law.
As a congressman I would propose perhaps federal housing. Use eminent domain to acquire one city block (doesn't have to be in the heart of downtown) and create a huge apartment building that everyone can live in for $300 a month all utilities paid (1bd 1ba, costs goes up $100 per extra room) and the money generated from this would not go to make the federal government money but to instead pay for the upkeep of the building itself. Pay for repairs, staffing, utilities etc. I don't believe people renting a home should be cost burdened for simply wanting a roof over their heads.
As a member of the younger generation we see climate change as an immediate issue. This one issue is a lot of the reason for the younger generation getting involved and running for office in the first place. I would look very hard into making the most out of renewable energy and forcing usage of plastics to drop down immensely. Climate change has always existed but humans are altering it for the worse and we need to amend this quickly and stop putting it on the back burner as current and former lawmakers have for so long.
Of course, I personally dislike being in debt and I'm sure a lot of people feel the same. When I was taught finances by my guardians I learned very quickly to not spend money you don't have. There are people who are the richest among us who pay $0 in federal taxes which obviously isn't fair. If I have to pay so should they, they are benefiting from the roads, emergency services and labor in our country but don't have to contribute to it? Hell no, if you can spend $44B on Twitter you can afford to pay your damn taxes.
The most important I would say would be wildfires. The federal government’s obligation is to the people of the U.S.A and if the people and the state want the land back it would be obligated to give it back. I do however believe that the BLM does a great job protecting our public lands and see no reason to stop a great service.
I support free college. I don't believe education should be put behind a paywall and in Montana that is no exception. The federal government has an obligation to educate the citizens and if we want better, higher educated workers we need to stop forcing them into debt to get it.
I would support legislation that guarantees the right to have an abortion. This decision is hard on a family and would be made no better by the government getting involved in making this decision for them.
I support the Second Amendment. I also believe that there are people that straight-up shouldn't own a firearm. People who are suspected of terrorism or have been collaborating with those suspected of the terrorism. If you are a danger to yourself or others you have no business owning a firearm.
Yes I do. I also support overturning all prior convictions of marijuana because it is safer than tobacco and alcohol. It is not a lethal drug and needs to be legalized.